Roasted green tomato salsa verde

Roasted Green Tomato Salsa Verde

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Sometimes we can have the highest and brightest of hopes and dreams, but something comes along and throws a monkey wrench at them. Growing tomatoes is chasing the dream of a red, ripe, juicy, big fat tomato. We have the vision in mind and our goal set, but sometimes Mother Nature or some external force causes us to need to adjust our expectations. Perhaps an animal runs through your tomato patch and knocks off your prized fruit way too early, or maybe a windstorm, impending freezing temperatures, or any number of reasons lands you with unripe green tomatoes. What to do? How about a roasted green tomato salsa verde?

Green tomatoes–second class citizens no more!

green tomatoes
A couple of green tomatoes from our garden

We tend to end up with green tomatoes… perhaps you do too? With growing some tomatoes outside the greenhouse in our tropical climate during the rainy season, the tomatoes are more prone to splitting. Because of that, we end up needing to pick them a bit earlier and at their less ripe state, compared to if they were grown under the summer sun. If we don’t pick them early enough and the splitting starts, they likely won’t make it to full ripeness either. What do we do with those green tomatoes? Our favorite way to eat them is in this roasted green tomato salsa verde!!

What’s that, you ask? A salsa verde made from green tomatoes?

Yes, green tomatoes work beautifully to make a delicious and less tart salsa verde, compared to their cousin the tomatillo.

No longer do they have to be the story of lost dreams or dreams shattered!

No longer must they be relished merely to the likes of fried green tomatoes!

Second class citizens no more, I say!

This first-rate salsa verde MIGHT just have me sneaking to remove them from the vines a bit early!! (Shhhh, don’t tell my husband Todd!)

Pin it now to save it for later!

Ingredients for my roasted green tomato salsa verde

To make this recipe, you will need the following ingredients and equipment:

  • green tomatoes (partially ripe tomatoes are fine too!)
  • garlic
  • onion
  • hot pepper (jalapeño, serrano, chocolate habañero, or your favorite)
  • cilantro
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • bouillon (I use a vegetarian “no chicken” bouillon, but you can use chicken bouillon if you prefer)
  • cumin powder
  • lime juice

You will also need a toaster oven or conventional oven, a stick blender or regular blender, and a small pot.

Let’s begin!

Rough chop your green tomatoes, onion, and hot pepper and cut your garlic in half. I place my veggies on a banana leaf-lined cookie sheet, but this isn’t necessary. (Why on a banana leaf?)

green tomatoes, onions, garlic, and hot pepper on toaster oven pan lined with banana leaf
Tomatoes, onion, hot pepper, and garlic ready for broiling

Then I broil my veggies until they start to brown. I broil them in my toaster oven on the top rack, as all my veggies will fit on my toaster oven tray. Feel free to use your oven though if you prefer or need to do so.

The tomatoes will cook and soften somewhat and begin to char, but typically the onions will brown first. I then place the veggies in a bowl and let cool for a few minutes prior to blending.

Green tomatoes, onions, garlic, and hot pepper after broiling
Green tomatoes have darkened and onions have browned

You could also use a regular blender, but be sure your veggies have cooled so that your don’t have a veggie-splosion in your kitchen from blending while too hot!!

Blending to make salsa verde
Blending time!

Once the veggies have been mostly broken up by the blender, add in the cilantro:

Addition of cilantro
Addition of cilantro

Then we blend again….

After the cilantro is incorporated, we will need to heat up olive oil in a small pot. Once the oil is hot, CAREFULLY add in the blended veggies.

Oil heating and ready to finish cooking sauce
Oil preheated and veggies added to pot

Stir in salt, bouillon, and cumin powder and cook until sauce thickens, stirring constantly. This should only take a few minutes. Add in lime juice and remove from heat.

You could enjoy right away, but it is FAR better if the sauce cools and even better if it is chilled.

Fresh green tomato salsa verde with a chip for dipping
Taste test time!

Sauce will thicken more as it stands (and even more so when it is chilled).

How to enjoy your green tomato salsa verde

This sauce is delicious as

  • a dip for chips
  • sauce for nachos
  • topping for enchiladas or smothered burrios
  • on top of eggs
  • anywhere you would normally use salsa!

Did you know you can find this and many of my other recipes on Pinterest?

Nacho cheese sauce on tortilla chips with jalapeños

Looking for more sauce ideas?




2 responses to “Roasted Green Tomato Salsa Verde”

  1. Barbara H. Lanning Avatar
    Barbara H. Lanning

    Thank you very much for roasted green tomato salsa.

    1. Jill Avatar

      You’re very welcome! Hope you enjoy!

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